Monday, March 27, 2006

bought a house!

As of today, we are all moved out of our house! It was a crazy weekend, but we were able to get the house cleaned and handed over the keys this morning to our renters. We were quite overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we had.
We also are happy to report we bought a house! We made an offer last weekend, and after a counter, we came to an agreement. Only Steve has been in the house, I have only seen pictures. We will have the house for a few weeks before we move in so we will be able to rip out carpets, paint and do a bunch of other stuff to it that Steve promised would be done before we moved in. The house was not anything we had in mind, but the price was right so we couldn't pass it up. The house is located on Munroe Avenue in the East Kildonan area.
Aidan also lost something this weekend, a tooth. After several days of complaining over a tooth he recently had filled, we took him to the dentist and the tooth was so bad it had to be pulled. Aidan did great and is excited to put his tooth under his pillow for the toothfairy!
I will post pics of the new house once I have access to my computer, which is packed right now!

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