Cassidy had her first day of preschool yesterday. She will go every monday, wensday and friday afternoon. The school is only about 2 blocks away and a 5 minute walk. (This will probably change when we move!) She did very well on her first day and was excited about her new friends.
Aidan doesn't start until monday. He is getting very anxious!
I'm glad you like nursery school Cassidy...Olivia not so much!
Auntie Laura
You are so pretty Cassie, and i am glad yo loved your first day of nursery school. And Aidan, hang in there. It;s almost Monday. love granny
Wow, she's so cute and grown up!
Liam is going to love his time alone with you.
How is the house hunting going Erin? Hopefully you guys find something soon!
Just curious if you have any new homes on the horizon or not.... We went through the bidding stuff this summer with trev and Suse when they bought a house in Wpg. crazy. Just be thankful that homes don't START at $400,000 there!! We looked a little a month or two ago for a bit bigger home. Found nothing under $400,000. Sick, eh? Good luck! Keep us posted! you should have all sorts of time to go house looking now with two out of three in preschool!! :)
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