Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thankgoodness it is Thursday and tomorow Steve is home from his fourth week to Calgary. This week has been harder then the last ones. I think it was because we were so busy and that made me extra tired.
Last night Aidan had his last soccer game, pictures and medals. He was very excited and kept telling me his medal was bigger then mine!
Today was his last day of school and his graduation. I will post about his grad tomorow, I still need to upload the pics.

Aidan was very sad that he will not be playing soccer for an entire year. Now, thankgoodness he loved this season of soccer, becuase we sure didn't have a good experience. To make a long story short, his coach ditched the team and decided not to show up anymore half way through the season. Taking all the practise balls with him. Thankgoodness we had one parent who stepped in and took the role, organizing pictures, snacks, etc..... Poor kids though, what kind of person abandons a bunch of 5 year olds? The soccer board sure got an earfull from the parents though. The coach disconnected his phone number and is no where to be found. Aidan was a little oblivious to it all, he just wanted to play soccer.Here are some highlights from his last game and a few short videos, which aren't the greatest.

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laura.h said...

Way to go Aidan, you look like a pro out there!!! Olivia is super excited about starting soccer next week. She should look to you for some advice!!
Auntie Laura

Jamie said...

That's great that Aidan enjoyed soccer so much. Too bad about the coach, though.
I just caught up on the last few entries in your blog. I haven't been checking much the last couple of days. So, this was Steve's last week in Calgary? I hope you guys enjoy your camping trip - we're planning on going somewhere the 2nd week in July.