It is almost the middle of November already. This means Christmas is right around the corner. I usually am one to love the season but this year we were a little overwhelmed with how the whole christmas thing was going to work.
You see, Christmas is the busiest time at Steve's work, so we are in for a long December, with long days and him working some weekends. Yes, the extra money is nice but it just adds to the business of this already busy household.
My tree went up 11 days late this year. It is usually up on November 1st, but I fell behind because of all the other stuff that was being done.
But it is up and because of the position in the house, i had to decorate all the way around, so I had to get more decorations. The kids also decorated there own tree in the basement. That way I don't feel guilty for not letting them touch mine.
Steve went back to work today. Today is a holiday for him but he decided to work double time and since he has been off for two weeks it isn't so bad.
He has finished painting most of the house. Last week he hung christmas lights up outside. he also fixed two of the bedrooms walls because they had water damage from the windows and they are now ready to paint.
We have acomplished what we wanted to do now but still have lots more we want to do. We want to do as much as we can afford to do in winter so by spring we can focus on the outside.
As for the kids, they are still fighting awful colds. I haven't brought them to the doctor yet. I hate sitting in a clinic for hours waiting to see a doctor who will tell me to give them some over the counter medicine.
Aidan is back to school today. He loves school, I love that. I am also so impressed with the stuff he comes home that he is soaking in. I love that they memorize bible verses and he gets excited about bible stories. Aidan defiantly is very difficult though. I think alot of it is he has so much energy and he needs to learn how to focus his energy on the right things. Currently, Aidan's favorite things are barns and tornadoes, or actually any natural disaster. He has requested a tornadoe cake for his birthday.
Cassidy is loving her preschool as well. She is doing well socially which I thought may be an issue but she has really opened up and isn't as shy as she used to be. She is currently loving her ballet as well. But, she is still the princess of the house and knows how to use her cuteness to her advantage. She is lately into anything princesses and polly pockets.
Liam is trouble. Really he is. I think he is the hardest two year old I have every had. His energy and excitment is almost uncontrolable. When he doesn't get his way he gets upset. One thing though is he loves to cuddle and I hope that doesn't change. Liam loves anything with dinosaurs.
And to think I got reamed out by dan's sister yesterday for playing Christmas carols at Livi's b-day party. We haven't had a Christmas tree in years. First we had a kitten, and the a baby, and now just no room! i hope to get one this year though. Especially now that we are home.
When I was little I was so shy (do you remember that??? Prob. just they hyper side of me!) that I had to take speech. I think you were prob the only person out of my family that I would talk to. I remember if you weren't at church or other places where kids were I would cry and cry until my mom picked me up. And now look at me. I think I have developed socially- maybe a little too much! From what I have seen of Cass she seems more than normal! I love that Aidan likes tornadoes and such. Strange kid!! :)
Post some more photos of all your hard work sometime!!
I didn't mean to sound rude when I called Aidan "strange"... I should have put silly kid! I think he is funny!
I have never heard of a kid wanting a tornadoe cake before. I want to see what it looks like! :0)
I am sure Isaiah will be like Liam at 2. He already has a temper and the health nurse said he's the youngest she's seen with that bad of a temper. Yeah for me!
Don't worry Rebekah- people are always telling me how much of a handful my kids are! Even grandmothers that had lots of kids themselves!
Oh and Erin, did I ever lend you our flood video for Aidan? I don't think so. I'll have to get that to you sometime.
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